XUE Xi-ming |
College of Tourism and Historical Culture, Southwest Mingzu University, Chengdu 610041, China |
Abstract As the field of international frontier research, the socio-cultural study on road has been given much attention by much amount of subjects such as anthropology, sociology and geography. The paper gives the reflection and outlook on the social and cultural aspects of road based on the literature review of roadology and mobilility at home and abroad. According to the research, cultural anthropology-orientated roadology in has been greatly influenced by the reflection on Critical Sociology and Neo-Marxism on modern transportation, focusing on how road and transportation function and affect in the process of the state power extension and nation-state construction, with the purpose of probing into the symbolic significance of the road landscape, the political rights and daily life practice in the course of road material production. In the context of Neoliberal economic globalization, the study on mobility academically grounded on geography and sociology aims to probe into the relationship between human and space in the process of movement, with the primary concern on issues of mobility politics, the identification and the perception of place in a flowing space. As the important foundation of the socio-cultural research of road, the study on roadology and mobility attaches great importance to the socio-cultural relationship of humans and the road, integrating the ontology research into the critical aspect. However, some limitations lie in both spheres of current study in terms of how to define the connotation and magnitude of the object, methods, and contents of the research. Current researches leave much room to be desired, especially, failing to analyze carefully the interaction and complicated relationship among road, local society and the subject of mobility, and to establish the scientific socio-cultural research framework on road. This paper attempts to put forward the integration research of spatial relationship, social relationship and powers interaction of road, and to promote the extensive and in-depth construction of the paradigm of sociocultural research on road.
Received: 03 December 2019
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